Misconduct Managed NewsSource™

Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Texas Foster Care and Adoption Services’ Executive Director Steps Down After Sexual Abuse Allegations
Despite rape allegations and “irregularities” in the organization’s tax filings by the CFO, Jerry Monroe, the Executive Director of a San Antonio-based foster placement agency kept him on staff for many months.
Sexual Assault on College Campuses: Cornell Suspends Fraternity Party After Reports of Drugged Drinks and Sexual Assault
Cornell University has suspended all parties and social events hosted by fraternities after campus police said 1 student reported a sexual assault and another 4 reported their drinks being drugged.
Child Sex Abuse in Religious Organizations: Jehovah’s Witness
Washington’s Mandatory Reporting law, which has exempted clergy since 1975, and the Jehovah’s Witness Church, according to internal documents, believes elders should keep abuse allegations confidential unless law explicitly compels them to report it.
Sexual Assault-Related ER Visits Have Increased 1,533% in a 13-Year Period
From 2006 to 2019, sexual assault-related emergency room visits increased 1,533%; a jump from 3,600 annual visits to 55,200, an increase reflecting a growing cultural shift around confronting sexual assault, according to experts and advocates.
Investigation Into California Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Complaints Discover Mislabeling and Errors on Public Website
An investigation into multiple sexual abuse allegation at California nursing homes uncovered multiple errors and mislabeling of the details and outcomes of substantiated sexual abuse claims on the California Department of Public Health’s public website.
New York Elementary School Principal Convicted on 46 Counts of Various Child Sexual Abuse Charges
Kirk Ashton, the 52-year-old former principal of Northwood Elementary School in the Hilton Central School District who was accused of sexually abusing 26 students from 2014-2021, was found guilty by a jury on 46 of 50 counts, including first-degree sexual abuse (11 counts); course of sexual conduct against a child (17 counts); and endangering the welfare of a child (18 counts), for abuse against 21 victims.
Michigan Urologist and Sports Medicine Doctor Charged with 7 Counts of Criminal Sexual Misconduct
Dr. Zvi Levran, a Michigan urologist, sports medicine doctor, and someone who worked with youth hockey programs in Michigan and Minnesota, was arrested and charged in Oakland County with 4 counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and 3 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct of a teenage patient during a medical exam.
Registered Sex Offender and Former Priest Charged with Possession of Child Pornography
Robert Timchak, Jr. a registered sex offender and former clergyman in Luzerne, Pennsylvania, was arraigned on 4 counts of dissemination of photo or film of children involved in sex acts; 2 counts of criminal use of communication facility; and 1 count of child pornography.
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