Misconduct Managed NewsSource™

Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Sheriff’s Deputy Charged with Attempted Sexual Assault of a Runaway Teen
A Texas Sheriff’s Deputy has been fired and charged with online solicitation of a minor; witness tampering; attempted sexual assault of a child; as well for having engaged in sexual misconduct while on duty with multiple women.
MTBA Bus Driver Sexually Assaults Passenger on Camera
A Boston MTBA bus driver refused to let a female passenger off the bus and sexually assaulted her, all of which was caught on the bus’s surveillance footage.
New, Controversial Supreme Court Ruling Reinforces the “Intoxication Loophole” for Sexual Assault Victims
A recent Minnesota Supreme Court ruling held that sexual assault victims who are voluntarily intoxicated are not considered “mentally incapacitated,” and thus still able to provide consent.
Austin Shooter had a History of Sexual Assault Accusations and Arrests
The recent mass shooter in Austin, Texas, had a long history of sexual assault accusations and arrests, including sexual assault of a child last year.
TikTok Users Warn of Content Promoting a “National Rape Day”
As April’s National Sexual Assault Awareness Month is observed, law enforcement is looking into a group of 6 men who recently created a TikTok video in which they encouraged others to commit sexual assaults on April 24.
Legislation Would Prevent Hospitals from Billing Rape Victims for Forensic Exams
Under a Bill recently filed, North Carolina hospitals could be fined $25,000 if they bill sexual assault victims for the cost of forensic exams.
Boston PD Does Not Fire Cop Accused of Child Molestation
The Boston Police Department decided not to fire an officer accused of molesting multiple children in the 1990s, after the union threatened to file a grievance.
7 New Laws Enhance Protections for Sexual Assault Victims
New Jersey Governor signed into law 7 bills that strengthen the protections for victims, including creating a 3-year pilot program in the Attorney General’s Office aiming to repair some of the harm caused by the sexual assault.
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