Misconduct Managed NewsSource™ is a bi-weekly compilation of the top news stories concerning sexual misconduct, abuse, and molestation of at-risk groups in the United States.

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Illinois Schools Will Soon Have to Start Reporting Alleged Teacher Sexual Misconduct to Parents and School Boards
As a follow-up to Faith’s Law, Illinois House Bill 4316 will require school superintendents, beginning next year, to notify school boards and parents if any sexual misconduct happens in their districts.
University of Michigan Settles Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit
The University of Michigan reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit brought by students who sought to force changes in how the school protects the campus from sexual misconduct.
Oscar De La Hoya Accused of 2 Sexual Assaults
An unnamed woman has accused former boxing star Oscar De La Hoya of 2 instances of sexual assault during a trip to Mexico in 2020.
School Administrator Accused of Sexually Assaulting and Wrongfully Imprisoning an At-Risk 70-Year-Old Woman
A 55-year-old Denver School District Administrator was arrested and charged with unlawful sexual contact against an at-risk adult over the age of 70 as well as false imprisonment.
Governor Signs Legislation to Strengthen Maine’s National Guard Response to Sexual Assault
The new law establishes a permanent Advisory Council on Military Sexual Trauma to ensure survivors of military assault are connected to all available resources, and to improve the Maine National Guard’s responses to assault.
Longtime U.S. Olympic Snowboarding Coach Relieved of Duties After Multiple Sexual Assault Allegations
Peter Foley, longtime Olympic snowboarding coach, is relieved of all job duties after at least 4 women, including 2 former athletes and an Olympic medalist, have accused him of sexual assault.
DNA Leads to Arrest in Cold Sexual Abuse Case of a 5-Year-Old Girl Waiting for the School Bus
6-years after the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl waiting for her school bus, an arrest and confession received in her case by a teenager that was 13 years old at the time of the crime.
8 Women, Including a State Senator, Accuse Republican Gubernatorial Candidate of Sexual Assault
Nebraska GOP Gubernatorial candidate, Charles Herbster, has been accused of sexual assault by 8 women, including the Nebraska State Senator.
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