Entries by elizabeth

Live Training: Got Data? Get Sued!

Today’s data privacy and cybersecurity issues can force your organization in an unfavorable litigation landscape – one that can get you sued for just possessing consumer personal information. Join us as privacy experts from McDonald Hopkins PLC discuss the latest privacy litigation trends and data protection/legal strategies to keep your organization out of the courtroom. […]

How “in the know” are you? HR Legal Updates

Attention Clients! Take 5 minutes – right now – and get updated on the latest employment laws affecting your business. Think you’ve got it covered? Test your knowledge — how “in the know” are you really? Check out the July 2024 editions of our popular Employment Law Change Report and Employee Handbook Watchdog Report™. A lot is happening […]

AI, Social Media, & Cybersecurity

At the Intersection of SML and Cybersecurity: How New Developments in A.I. and Social Media Affect Your Organization, Municipality, and Board Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j4govz1BSYmOZTRK74xG3g  (Event ID & Password: 9870) Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 10:30 am PST We’re in the middle of an AI explosion and can’t keep up. While there are, undoubtedly, positive uses […]

Confused by FMLA? Let Us Clear the Fog! Part 2: Administrating FMLA Leave

Do you get nervous when an employee talks about needing leave for a medical condition? Do you cringe when thinking about administering a leave? We continued our breakdown of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Topics discussed included: When employer notice obligations are triggered; Obtaining medical certification and recertification; Tracking leave, including intermittent leave; and […]

Confused by FMLA? Let us clear the fog!

Do you get nervous when an employee talks about needing leave for a medical condition? Do you cringe when thinking about administering a leave? Join us for a breakdown of the Family and Medical Leave Act. We’ll discuss: Counting employees to reach the 50-employee threshold The “key employee” exception Determining employee eligibility Certification and recertification […]

Risk Management Plays a Role in Sexual Misconduct Claims

How do ePlace Solutions’ services, such as live trainings and online complaint reporting, directly contribute to preventing sexual violence and abuse in various industries? ePlace Solutions’ SML services directly contribute to preventing sexual violence and abuse by offering tailored training programs for workforce education, providing resources such as a Certificate of Sexual Violence Prevention, and […]

Elevate Your Company’s Approach to Addressing Workplace Harassment 

Having an anti-harassment policy in your company handbook is crucial, but it’s just the beginning. Merely acknowledging it during the hiring process is not sufficient. To truly foster a safe and respectful workplace, your policy must be actively communicated and ingrained in your organizational culture. Regular training sessions, open discussions, and clear channels for reporting […]

Elevate Your Cybersecurity Strategy: Why Tabletop Testing Is Essential

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity is paramount. But how do you ensure your defenses are robust? Enter tabletop testing—an invaluable tool in your cybersecurity arsenal. Here’s why it’s crucial: **Risk Awareness** **Team Collaboration** **Scenario Preparedness** **Continuous Improvement** Investing in tabletop testing isn’t just about mitigating risks—it’s about encouraging your organization’s resilience in the face of […]


What Is S.A.V.E.S.? Sexual Misconduct and Molestation Liability (SML) is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing professional lines coverages in the United States. These claims arise from situations and industries you might never consider. It’s an urgency nobody wants to talk about. Do you know that sexual predators are everywhere? They are in every industry, in […]