News & Knowledge

HR/EPL Risk Management Services Now Offered for Public Entities

After 20 years of providing HR/EPL risk management services to…

SecurityVue Assessment Available for Clients

Fresno, CA: ePlace Solutions, Inc., a comprehensive cybersecurity…

Phishing Simulations to Protect Your Organization

Hackers use phishing emails as a point of entry because it’s…

Now Available: The Employee Handbook Wizard!

For our HR/EPLI risk management clients, we’ve launched the…

Steps to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Claims in Your Workplace

HR compliance services help address critical challenges like…

Building Productivity and Creativity in a Diverse Workplace

Workforces today are more diverse than ever. Consider the many…

Is Your RDP Secure?

50% of ransomware attacks last year were due to poor Remote Desktop…

Protecting Sensitive Information

Passwords alone are no longer good enough to protect sensitive…