Entries by elizabeth

HR/EPL Risk Management Services Now Offered for Public Entities

After 20 years of providing HR/EPL risk management services to private employers, ePlace recently expanded its services to include HR/EPL risk management services for the public sector. Employment-related rules impacting the public sector can vary widely from the rules for private employers. These expanded services include a team of HR professionals supervised by employment attorneys […]

SecurityVue Assessment Available for Clients

Fresno, CA: ePlace Solutions, Inc., a comprehensive cybersecurity risk management and consulting services company, announced today it has launched a new and expanded external scanning service. The new service, SecurityVue, is a non-intrusive (i.e. safe) external scan of a client’s internet-facing applications and software. Specifically, SecurityVue evaluates a client’s exposed attack surface and identifies potential […]

Phishing Simulations to Protect Your Organization

Hackers use phishing emails as a point of entry because it’s easy to trick employees to click a link or open an attachment that allows the hacker to install malware or start a clever attack. In effect, phishing emails cause ransomware attacks and email fraud that can cause millions in damages. ePlace’s Phishing Simulation Services […]

Now Available: The Employee Handbook Wizard!

For our HR/EPLI risk management clients, we’ve launched the Employee Handbook Wizard. Now, clients can create a custom employee handbook in just a few minutes. No more adding and subtracting individual policies, one by one, to build or update your employee handbook. The Employee Handbook Wizard does the work for you. After the handbook is […]

Steps to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Claims in Your Workplace

Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims remain among the top issues employers face. Avoid these concerns in your workplace by taking these steps: Implement antidiscrimination and harassment handbook policies As a client you’ll have access to download our Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace and Complaint Reporting Procedure. Implement an Employee Complaint Hotline A complaint […]

Building Productivity and Creativity in a Diverse Workplace

Workforces today are more diverse than ever. Consider the many different types of diversity: Age Color Religion Race/Ethnicity/National Origin Family Status Gender, Gender Identity & Expression Religion Sexual Orientation Veteran Status Studies into productivity have shown diversity provides a positive impact on creativity and problem solving. It can also create challenges. What can you do […]

Is Your RDP Secure?

50% of ransomware attacks last year were due to poor Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) practices. RDP is a Microsoft protocol allowing remote access from one machine to another. With the rapidly growing work-from-home workforce, organizations are granting employees access to their work computers from home. Unfortunately, criminals are exploiting this explosion in remote access to […]

Protecting Sensitive Information

Passwords alone are no longer good enough to protect sensitive information. Multi-Factor or Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of protection to sensitive data. We strongly recommend implementing this simple and cost-effective measure wherever possible (including email). As a cybersecurity risk management client, we help your organizations with data security and password best practices […]